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A ship is any large vessel that is used to traverse deep seas and oceans, carrying passengers, cargo, or performing specialized missions. Thanks to ships that transported food resources between Europe and America, after the 15th century, the world population rose significantly. Most people use the terms “ship” and “boat” interchangeably. However, there are several differences between …

Read More about 6 Dream of Sinking Ship Meanings

Dreaming about making a phone call or receiving a phone call can make the dream very real life-like. Phone calls can sometimes bring a feeling of anxiety, especially in an age where we are so used to communicating through text, that the need to make a phone call is dwindling. This is usually why a …

Read More about 10 Dreaming of Receiving Call Or Calling Someone Meanings

Natural disasters represent large-scale destruction, which is why when one dreams about them, it can be quite worrisome. We’ve put together this article to help you decode the possible meanings attached to dreams about natural disasters. Dreams about a natural disaster could symbolize fear, feelings of being overwhelmed, impending changes, a personal transformation, or suppressed …

Read More about 11 Dream of Natural Disasters Meanings