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8 Dream of Someone You Like Repeatedly Meanings

Dreaming about someone repeatedly can be a meaningful experience, leaving you feeling both elated and puzzled. Whether it is an old flame, a current crush, or even a celebrity, the person you dream about can hold a special significance in your life. So why do we find ourselves dreaming about certain people over and over again?

This article will explore the possible reasons behind what it means when you dream about someone you like repeatedly: from unresolved feelings to personal growth and self-discovery, dreaming about someone can offer deep insight into your waking life.

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What does it mean when you dream about someone you like repeatedly?

1. You have a strong emotional connection with them

If you have strong feelings for the person you are dreaming about, your subconscious mind is likely trying to process those emotions in your dreams. Dreams can be a way for your mind to explore and make sense of your feelings, so it is natural to dream about someone you like when you are feeling particularly emotional about them.

If you just had a breakup with someone you loved deeply, you may have recurring dreams about them as a way to cope with the loss and try to make sense of your emotions. Similarly, if you have a crush on someone and are constantly thinking about them, you may dream about them as a way to explore and express what you feel.

In these cases, dreaming about this scenario may provide a sense of comfort and connection, even when you are apart. It can also be a way for your mind to work through any unresolved issues related to the person, helping you get the closure you need.

2. You are missing that person

If you are physically separated from the person you are dreaming about, your dreams may be a way for your mind to cope with the separation. Dreams can provide a sense of connection and comfort, even when you are not physically together.

Maybe you have recently moved away from a close friend or loved one, so you dream about them to feel close to them. Similarly, if you are in a long-distance relationship, you may dream about your lover as a way to feel connected. There is nothing wrong with having these dream scenarios: as long as they don’t become obsessive, they can provide a sense of comfort and help to ease any feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Give that person a phone call or write them a message, this will help you ease the bad feelings you have and bring you closer to them.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you like repeatedly?

3. You have some unfinished business

If you have unresolved feelings with the person you are dreaming about, your dreams may be a way for your mind to work through and resolve these issues. If you have a crush on someone but have not yet acted on your feelings, your dreams may be a way for your mind to explore what it would be like to be with that person.

Similarly, if you have had a falling out with someone and have not yet reconciled, you may dream about them as a way to work through your feelings and try to resolve the issue. Maybe your subconscious is telling you that you need to try to get back to them and talk about things because you still need them in your life. Remember, don’t let a misunderstanding come between you and your soulmate: talk about things and make sure you are always on the same page.

4. Personal growth and self-discovery

Another reason why you might have recurring dreams about someone you like is due to personal growth and self-discovery in your real life.  If you are dreaming about someone you like repeatedly, it may be a sign that you are exploring your feelings and desires related to that person, and working through any personal growth or self-discovery issues related to them. Maybe you liked them when you were young, but you are a completely different person now.

If you dream about an ex-boyfriend who treated you badly and you accepted it, even if you have a current relationship, it doesn’t mean you want them back into your life. It can be a simple sign from the universe to not make the same mistake twice: look at it with a new perspective and see how much you changed since then, and use your intuition to be the best version of you that you can be now.

5. You need to have more trust

If you are dreaming about someone you are in a relationship with, it may be a good sign that the universe is encouraging you to trust in your relationship and the bond you share. Maybe you have issues from the past, from a traumatic experience that had mistrust and cheating. But trust is an important part of any relationship, and it is essential for building a strong, healthy, and lasting connection.

Dreaming about your partner may have a deeper meaning than simply your connection with them: it is a way for the universe to remind you of the love you share, and encourage you to trust in your relationship. This can be especially important if you are facing challenges in your relationship, as trust can help you work through any conflicts together.

Dreaming about your current partner can also be a way for the universe’s way of guidance to encourage you to trust yourself, and help you make decisions that are true to your values and beliefs.

You need to have more trust

6. You need to put yourself first

If you are constantly dreaming about someone you like but are not in a relationship with them, it may be a sign that the universe is encouraging you to take care of yourself and prioritize your own needs.

Self-care is an important aspect of personal well-being, and it is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Find new ways to nurture your interests, hobbies, and passions, as well as practice self-care activities like exercise and relaxation.

By doing this, you can build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence, and be better prepared to navigate any potential relationships that may come your way without anxiety. Take these as motivations to let go of things that are holding you attached to the past or to people who are not good to you, and learn to always love yourself.

7. You need to be more patient

If you are dreaming about someone you have a crush on but have not yet acted on your feelings, your dreams may be a way for the universe to encourage you to be patient and wait for the right time to express your feelings.

This can be a sign that you are not the only person with feelings: maybe the other person is being held back by someone or something, and now it’s not the best period of time to confess. But that doesn’t mean they don’t like you, but the contrary. You need to be patient, let things come naturally, and you will see that in the end your feelings will be reciprocated.

8. You feel stuck as you want to explore more

Maybe you are stuck in a relationship, and this is why you keep dreaming about a person you like, a different person than your current partner. This dream can be a way for your subconscious mind to explore and consider different scenarios or possibilities related to the person or the relationship.

Romantic dreams often allow us to process and work through emotions that we may not be able to consciously address in our waking lives. This can simply be a fantasy of your mind, a way for you to play out all that could have happened if your life was different and you weren’t where you are right now.

Try to ask yourself how you feel about the person in your dream and how you feel about your current relationship. Are you happy and satisfied, or do you feel unfulfilled in some way? Dreams do not always reflect reality and it’s not necessarily true that a new relationship will make you happier: remember to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, but also trust your feelings.


Dreams about people you like can be a rich source of insight: they can reflect your feelings of attraction towards them, as well as your subconscious mind’s desire for a closer connection. They may also be a way for your mind to process any unresolved feelings related to the person, or to explore different scenarios related to the relationship.

By taking the time to reflect on your emotions and dreams, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. We hope this helped you gain more insight into your mind, but if you still have questions, let us know in the comments.

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